Archer is hysterically funny, bawdy actual situational comedy. What do I mean? I mean the writers take the time to set up a situation and make that the funny selling point, they don’t rely merely on off-color humor or pointless ranting. That is the charm of the show.
Tonight marks the return of Archer, which may just be the best animated spy action-comedy in the history of animated spy action-comedies.If you haven’t seen our Archer season 2 preview, the second season of Sterling Malory “Duchess” Archer’s misadventures comes with more witty banter, epic action, twisted and hilarious quotables and of course, 68% more sex than we saw last season (by my careful scientific estimate). And it all kicks off with the season 2 premiere, “Swiss Miss”.
This episode contained all the stuff I liked about Archer season one – great dialogue and banter; bawdy humor you almost feel demented for laughing at; plenty of animated sex appeal (because that IS a thing, apparently); and some cool spy action. Not only did “Swiss Miss” offer these familiar Archer tropes, it had them neatly ordered and polished to perfection.
“Swiss Miss” c
ontinued to split up screen time wisely between the characters, and the sub-plot with Malory and Pam ending up in a cringe-worthy threesome after too many “green Russians” (Absinthe + milk) was some hilariously gross stuff. Can’t wait to see if that running gag (Pam having a secret to hold over Malory) gets woven into the rest of season 2. I also enjoyed seeing Ray Gillette (voiced by show creator Adam Reed) being brought into principal fold of characters.

Archer Review Season 2 : Watch It
Archer is at its very best when it is deep into an episode and tosses in an off the wall twist. The great thing about animation is they can do this easily without blasting a hole in their special effects budget. The nice thing about Archer is that though they have that “cartoon” ability, they keep it pretty much within the scope of what real actors could manage.
Archer premieres tonight on FX at 10 PM EST. Some day soon America will be talking about this show. You might as well get there before it’s too crowded.
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