Jenifer Ringer, Since the appearance of success Jenifer Ringer, the star of New York City Ballet artistic director Anna Vancura Baker was searching for the right opportunity to bring Ms. Ringer back to Chattanooga. Ballet Tennessee has received confirmation that Ms. Ringer and two dancers will perform in New York Ballet Nutcracker Tennessee in December.Principal dancer since 2000, Ms. Ringer has played with New York City Ballet for over 20 years. She was a dancer featuring works by Balanchine, Eliot Feld, Robert LaFosse and Robert Garland, Peter Martins and Christopher Wheeldon.
New York City Ballet dancer Jenifer Ringer appeared on the Today Show this morning to respond to a comment made about her weight in a recent NY Times review of her performance in The Nutcracker. The quip heard round the internet, dance critic Alastair Macaulay's comment that RInger looked like "she'd eaten one sugar plum too many" has been vilified, but has gone un-apologized for. Macaulay responded to the uproar with a follow up in the NY Times defending his decision to comment on the dancer's body under the justification that if you'd rather not be critiqued on your body, don't enter the world of dance.
Alastair Macaulay said in his NY Times review that “Jennifer Ringer, as the Sugar Plum Fairy, looked as if she’d eaten one sugar plum too many.”Jennifer says that her body is more “womanly” than an average ballet dancer. But, from the video, if you bumped into her on the street, you would never think anything of her weight; she looks thin.But, in the world of ballet, thin might not be enough. Even Natalie Portman recently lost 20 pounds for her role in the ballet movie Black Swan.
In May 2002, Ms. Ringer appeared in Live from Lincoln Center broadcast “New York City Ballet Diamond Project: Ten years of choreography,” Mercurial Manoeuvres in the dance, and in May 2004, she appeared in the Live from Lincoln Center broadcast of “Lincoln Center celebrated Balanchine 100,” dancing in Liebeslieder Walzer.
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